How do I play Disc Golf?

Step 1: Find a course via our site or Google and bring some discs!
If your just starting, you really dont need a whole bag of discs or fancy discs. Just pick out a putter, and bring it to a course near you!
Step 2: find your T-off area for Hole #1 and Look for the Basket.
You need to start somewhere, and hole 1 is just the place to do so! Head to the concrete pad for Hole #1. This pad will be your “Tee-off area” where you can throw your first disc. You can stand anywhere within the concrete pad for your first throw.

Step 3: Know the Rules

Tee Throws
Each hole begins with a tee throw. Tee throws must be completed within or behind the designated tee area.
The goal of Disc golf, is the same as regular golf. Get your disc in the basket with the least amount of throws. Whoever at the end of 18 holes has the least amount of strokes: Wins!
Throwing Order
The player with the least amount of strokes on the previous hole is the first to tee off on the next hole. After teeing off, the player whose disc is farthest from the hole always throws first. If your on the first hole and no one has thrown yet, you can decide amongst yourselves or flip a coin!
General Throws
Once everyone in your party has made their first throw, start walking towards your discs. Unless conditions 1 or 2 apply (see below), you must throw your disc from where it landed.
A few other stipulations on throwing:
- When you throw your disc, no matter where you are: you must have one foot where your disc landed on your previous throw. Does not matter which foot.
- Normally: After releasing the disc, you may step towards the basket upon releasing the disc (IE: Falling forward after the release)
- If you are within 10 meters of the basket (You dont have to measure it out, if your playing for fun. Just eyeball it and play with honor), you may NOT step towards the basket after releasing your disc. Both feet must remain firmly planted until after the disc has stopped moving.

Condition 1: Unplayable Lie
Any disc that comes to rest above the ground (IE in a tree or bush) is considered an unplayable lie. The disc must be thrown from the lie on the ground, directly underneath the unplayable lie, You may relocated to avoid damage to the vegetation.
Condition 2: Out Of Bounds
A throw that lands out of bounds, must be played from a point 1 metre in bounds from where the disc went out of bounds. Generally the disc is considered in play unless it lands in a Permanent water hazards or public road / trail. Landing a disc out of bounds will occur a 1 point Penalty
Mandatory Area’s
Sometimes a hole will have a “Mandatory Area”, which will be designated with big signs. In order to play the hole, you must pass between the signs. If you miss the shot and dont get between the signs, you must throw backwards and play until you get your disc to fly between the signs. Then continue the hole as normal.
Completion Of Hole
A disc that comes to rest in the basket or chains constitutes successful completion of that hole. See picture on what counts as “going in the basket”
Count shots and continue to the next hole!

Step 4: Know the Etiquette.
Just like any other sport, there is the unspoken do’s and donts within disc golf! Firstly, do stay quiet when others are throwing. Much like golf, throwing the perfect disc will require some skill and concentrations.
Second: Stand behind the player who is throwing until after their throw is complete! This is both so you dont distract them, and for saftey! After all, a rogue disc can seriously hurt someone if it hits them.
Third: If there is a group behind you thats smaller or playing faster, let them play through. That way you dont feel rushed and they dont feel like they are always waiting! Its a win win!
Fourth: Dont litter or alter the course! Respect the course for what it is, and leave it just as good as when you got there if not better!
Fifth: Teach others and help new players learn! As you get more experience, try and reach out to help others in need!
Step 5: Throw!
There are plenty of different ways of throwing a Disc, so much so that we wont even attempt to describe them here! But needless to say you know all the rules on how to play now! So go out, enjoy the fresh air, and play some disc golf!